Saturday, February 2, 2008

Eye Makeup Techniques - How to Apply Eyeliner

Mastering some basic eye makeup tips and techniques would always help you to wear flawless makeups. Today we are going to focus on how to apply eyeliner which hopefully would help you develop some great effects for your eyes.

You can achieve some great effects with your eyeliners effortlessly by rimming your eyes with the help of a white eye pencil. You can also use a beige eye pencil for that matter. It results in an enlarged effect for your eyes by virtually enlarging the white portion of the eye to create a great seductive look.

Now in order to apply the eye pencil, you should gently draw your eye-lid away from your eye and draw a fine line along the inner lining of the eye. Repeat the process for your upper eye lid as well. Make sure that your eyeliner pencil is not that sharp because a pencil with softer tip would make the color easy-flowing making the process that much more easier..


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